



I got an aquaintance named Yo-chan, who is now 15 years old and was born in China and raised up there, and then moved to Japan just a year ago for some reason. She had been working so hard at school and got pretty high score in any exam. B…


When I study English, I sometimes feel it needs a lot of process to do by myself. For example you need to remember tons of vocabularies and it takes thousands of hours. In general you remember those words by yourself. 英語を勉強していると…


I found an interesting article the other day, which is about a boy who can speak as many as 20 languages. 先日、おもしろい記事を見つけた。20ヶ国語もの言語を操る青年についての話だ。 logmi.jp When he was introduced in NewYork Times, the head…

パパ活する女子大生たち【Girls with Sugar Daddy】

Nowadays, they say that the amount of money given by parents to students going to their college in like Tokyo has been decreasing. 最近、東京など首都圏に通う学生への親からの仕送りが年々減ってきているという調査結果があるらしい。 Tokyo unive…

TOEICを受ける意義【TOEIC coming in 2 weeks】

I have TOEIC test in 2 weeks as a lotta guys studying English do. I’m talking about why I take that kind of just “score qualification test ”. Until a few years ago, I hadn’t thought it was not useful for the purpose of speaking English flu…

おばあちゃんとの思い出【My grandma】

I got my grandma who have helped me all the time. She passed away but have been in my heart always really. She had been super into a religion which is one of Buddhism. She always went to temple and pray for family. Yes, she had been always…


Nominally I am a teacher. But I usually think I am not a teacher that people want me to be. They usually think a teacher must be a decent and polite man and they should be. 名目上は僕は教師だ。でも僕はいつも人々が求めているような教師ではな…

Mental training【本の紹介~幸せになるためのいちばんやさしいメンタルトレーニング】

I read a really interesting book recently which is kind of psychological one. It’s about the way of thinking based on ACT(Acceptance and commitment therapy)There’s a kind of psychological training in it. You can try it within 2 hours or …

How you stay attractive(いつでも女の子をデートに誘えること)

This weekend I went to Osaka and hang out on my own, just window shopping and stuff. And then at this store I was just looking at some bags and this clerk who is a girl talked to me and ask if I need any help. So I just started to talk wit…

The end of year 2018【今更だけど昨年のChillな年末の過ごし方。】

It was OK. At the year’s end, I would always go overseas especially go to places nearby a beach in Southern Asia because these holidays are the only chance to take long days off and I hate being cold in Japan, which makes me feel a bit dow…