


Trip to Taiwan【台湾旅行ざっくりまとめ】

I went to Taiwan last week. This is my first time to visit there. Foods are amazing and people are nice. Taiwan had been colonized by Japan once but Japan gave them bunch of things like supply, infrastructures, education and so on.(I don’…


I got a friend named Keith, who has been working in Japan as an ALT. He has experienced a bunch of weird Japanese customs and thoughts. Especially the middle aged guys are good one. キースという名前のネイティブ友達がいて、この人がめちゃく…

My 5 a.m. routine always messes up【5時起きの話】

I'm basically a night person. Recently I am trying to start a new habit which I wake up at 5 a.m. because I want to be more productive and mindful. 僕は元来夜型の人間だが、最近朝5時に起きる習慣を始めようとしている。ていうかやりたいと思い続…


The other day, there was an incident where a pretty girl aged around 20 stabbed her boyfriend, this guy is a Japanese host in Shinjuku. She almost killed him. I'm not talking about this incident's cruel or crazy part. I'm talking about thi…

Teshima Museum【思い出の場所その3 豊島美術館】

Teshima musium. This place is so amazing that I added 3 places that moved me the most. 豊島美術館。この場所は本当に素晴らしいので、僕が行ったことのある場所の中でベスト3に入れたいと思う。 Teshima is an island located in Kagawa, which is eve…


This is a place you can enjoy beautiful scenery of a street with some lights alongside a river and relaxing atmosphere. You can get there by a cab from Danan city. It takes around 40 min. I’ll tell you why this place is a memorable. ホイア…

Golden Pine【思い出の場所その1】

2 years ago at the end of that year, I went to Danan in Vietnam, which is developing district as a resort area in southern east Asia with my friend. When I travel somewhere with this guy, we don’t have any plan to do because we always deci…

2 types of regret【後悔には2種類ある】

I think there are 2 types of regret. One is against what you did. When you want to do something, you might sometimes worry about whether you actually do or not. And then you do it, but it might lead to regret. Like , “Fuck, I shouldn’t hav…

Learning Process of Japanese【日本語はチョー難しい】

For people who start to learn Japanese, Kanji is fuckin hard. There are 3 types of characters in Japan, which is so weird though. We mix them up using. If you learn Japanese, you have to learn like Hiragana first, and then may be Katakana,…

Master of None【おすすめの海外ドラマ「マスターオブゼロ」】

Master of none is the best drama I’ve ever watched. I watch it over and over again. The set-up is a kind of niche though. マスターオブゼロ(日本版タイトル)は今まで見た中で最高のドラマだ。好きすぎて何度も見た。設定がまたおもしろいんだな。 An…

For god's sake!【オーストラリアに行けるはずだったのに】

First thing first, I am supposed to go to Australia this summer on business trip. A month ago, my boss announced if you wanted to go to Australia, you would tell her as soon as possible. And I told I wanted to go and that seemed settle dow…