

おばあちゃんとの思い出【My grandma】

 I got my grandma who have helped me all the time. She passed away but have been in my heart always really. She had been super into a religion which is one of Buddhism. She always went to temple and pray for family. Yes, she had been always thought of others instead of caring about herself. I was surprised when I took an entrance exam for my university, she was praying for the exact hours that I was taking that test.

 僕にはこれまでずっと、困難なことにぶち当たった時に助けてきてくれたおばあちゃんがいる。彼女はもう亡くなったが、僕の心の中にずっといる。 おばあちゃんは熱心な仏教の一宗派の信者で、いつもお寺に行って家族のためにお祈りをしていた。自分のことはおざなりにして、家族のことや周りの人のことを考えて動く人だった。 僕が大学受験の試験を受けている時には、家の中にある仏壇の前で試験時間の間中ずっと祈り続けていたそうだ。おばあちゃんとは別々に住んではいたけど、僕ら家族に何かあると、いつもそんなかんじだった。

 Plus, actually her husband, my grandpa, was the craziest guy, I also love him though, who had debts about a million dollars because of gambling when they were young, but she paid off all the money by running a Japanese Sushi restaurant and working so hard. She never complained about it. She was just like “I meant to be doing that.”


 Anyways, she was always generous and kind. She always forgave and accept what I did or had done from the perspective beyond banal common sense. She had not shown us the feeling how much she loved us. She always did something behind our backs. In front of us, she was just smiling and just being there, which I don’t know how much it made me chill and calm.

 いつでも寛大で、人に親切だった。僕や妹がやることを一般的な物の見方を超えたところから許し、受け入れてくれた。彼女が僕たちをどれだけ愛してくれたということを僕たちは一生推し量ることなんてできないだろう。 彼女はいつも僕たちが見えないところで力になってくれる。僕たちの前ではただ笑ってそこにいるだけなのだ。そしてそれがどれだけ僕たちの気持ちを落ち着けてくれて安らぎを与えてくれたかわからない。

 I got one story about her. This is the tiny story after she died but it did mean a lot to me. 8 years ago, when she passed away, everyone was so sad and cried a lot. That even made us feel like we lost a guide for life. But I didn’t cry. I rather couldn’t cry. I might have been too shy to cry in front of people or I couldn’t understand what happened to me. I don’t know why. If anything, It was kinda unfocused sadness that I couldn’t cry.

 これは実際すごく微妙な話なのだが、おばあちゃんが亡くなった後の話がある。でも僕にとってはとても大きな意味を持つ話だ。 おばあちゃんが亡くなったのは8年ほど前で、家族や親戚中皆が悲しんで涙を流した。 皆まるで人生の案内役を失ったかのような気持ちになった。でも、僕は泣けなかったのだ。一切涙が出なかった。その時の僕は人前で泣くにはシャイすぎたのかもしれないし、おばあちゃんが亡くなったという事実がうまく飲み込めなかったのかもしれない。 なんにせよ、泣けない、というのは辛い。行き場のない悲しさでいっぱいだった。

A few years later, I went to Tokyo and try to do what I had wanted to do. (I made a few independent films with my friends for 2 years.) As you can imagine, that times were really intense though. It was like a rough try. We needed a lot of money to make a film. I had to make a living.I often doubted like “Is this really what I want to do? Is this worthwhile doing at the expense of myself?” but you can’t complain about what you once have decided to do.


And one day, I went to bed and had this really weird dream. I was in field of grass and I sat on a bench. I got a friend of mine coming toward me, who I had grew up with since a kid. And the next moment I realized was my grandma was also there just standing. I didn’t know what I felt. I was just like “Oh, god, why is she there?” But I even didn’t understand her death at that time because it was a dream. The borderline between the fact and my cognition was ambiguous. And all of sudden, my friend disappeared.



 Only I and grandma were left. Next thing I knew was I fell on my knees and cried out and weep like a kid. That feeling is really hard to put into words. I just cried and cried a lot for a time. She said nothing, just standing there.


 And I awoke from the dream and found myself crying in real and even my pillow got wet. Not little, it’s a lot. I was so surprised because such a thing had never happened since then in my life. I’ve rarely cried so I tried to think how this happened to me and I got to think that grandma was trying to help me.

 そして夢から覚めた。僕の枕は涙でびっしょりと濡れていた。いやもうほんとに引くくらい濡れていた(笑) こんなこと今まで経験したことがなかったからびっくりした。 でも僕はそのときなぜか笑ってしまい、「あ、おばあちゃんが泣かせてくれたんだな。」と思った。

 She showed up in my dream and just tried to make me cry and let everything in my mind out. She just let it all out. I even noticed I was feeling better than ever. My grandma is such a person that even after she passed away she keeps helping me a lot. Rather, when I have difficulties, just thinking of her makes me calm and move back to the core.

 彼女は僕の夢に現れて、僕の中にあるものすべてを吐き出させてくれたのだ。泣いてすっきりした僕は以前よりも少し気分が軽くなっていることに気づいた。 彼女は亡くなった後もなお、そうやってずっと僕をそばで助けてくれる存在だ。