

My 5 a.m. routine always messes up【5時起きの話】


I'm basically a night person. Recently I am trying to start a new habit which I wake up at 5 a.m. because I want to be more productive and mindful.


I have watched a string of videos people wake up at 5 a.m. and explain how productive it is and motivated it makes you. And I thought, that’s cool! I want to try.


Actually it is not successful at all.  


When 5 a.m. comes and the alarming of my phone is ringing, I am like in despair because I don’t want to wake up at all to be honest and I think waking up at 5 am sucks!! I don’t care of being more productive or mindful. I am dying to fucking sleep. It is always like that. And I wake up again at 7 am. That even more sucks. How should I do?

朝5時がきてスマホのアラームが鳴ると、絶望する(笑) その時の気持ちは正直5時起きなんてくそくらえと思っている。生産性とか充実とかもうどうでもいい。頼むから寝かせてくれってかんじ。いつもそうなってしまう。そして二度寝して7時に起きるのだ。するとさらに気分は悪くなる。あーまたやってしまったと。どうすればいいんだろう?