

2 types of regret【後悔には2種類ある】


I think there are 2 types of regret. One is against what you did. When you want to do something, you might sometimes worry about whether you actually do or not. And then you do it, but it might lead to regret. Like , “Fuck, I shouldn’t have done that!”


On the other hand, another type of regret is against what you didn’t do. When you want to do something which seems hard to achieve, you are seriously care about the risk that might fail. Eventually you would choose not to do it.


But one thing you should remember is that the amount of regret against what you actually did is decreasing as time goes by, but the amount of regret against what you didn’t do is increasing as it does. So I always have this in mind. I try to choose “do it ” even though the odds seem slim if I really want to do it.
