


I got a friend named Keith, who has been working in Japan as an ALT. He has experienced a bunch of weird Japanese customs and thoughts. Especially the middle aged guys are good one.

キースという名前のネイティブ友達がいて、この人がめちゃくちゃおもしろい。キースは日本でALT (中学や高校で日本人英語教師のサポートをする仕事)として15年くらい働いていて、今まで経験した日本のヘンな慣習や考え方などをおもしろおかしく話してくれる。特に中年のザ・日本人といったオッサンについての話はおもしろい。

He would have a car his father gave him. It was cool actually. At that time, he used to drive the school. Japanese teachers came to school so early and parked their cars in the parking lot at school. That prevented him to park. From that time on, a battle with one PE guy got started.


He had a favorite space to park in the school, which was easy to go to the office. That PE guy seemed also to like to park that space, so one morning, when he was to park in that space, a ridiculously huge car had parked there! he was like, Damn it! I gotta park in other space.


Next morning, he came to school earlier than previous day and he did it! he successfully parked! But in the next day, when he came to school he found PE guy’s car there !! And he was like Fuck! That guy! I’ve never talked to that muscle bound guy, but the dude definitely came so early this morning not to let me park.


And again in the next day, he came to school much earlier and parked. You can guess what happens the day after? Yes, the guy parked! That’s insane. It was 6:30 A.M. he did not have jobs to do, and so did the guy! But the battle kept going over again from then on, and he found himself standing the space at 6:00 A.M. Too sleepy.

そしてまた次の日の朝、さらに早く学校に来て停めることができた。次の日に何が起こったか、わかるだろう。そう、その体育教師がさらにまた早い時間に停めていたのだ。アホらしすぎる… 時間は6時半だった。特に仕事もないのに。その後戦いは続き、キースは眠い目をこすりながら朝6時にその駐車スペースにいる自分に気づいた。

And the story even goes on. One day, the school principal came to him and was like “Oh, Keith. I know you are a very good teacher. You always come to school so early, which is good hahaha. I have to report your contribution to the board of Education(an agency that evaluates teachers including ALT)”



but he thought, Yo Yo dude, I’m always coming here fuckin’ early not to let that guy park there. Nevertheless, this guy thought of me as a good teacher. Just because you come to the office early, it does not mean a good teacher. But, he was sick to explain the whole thing and just said to him “Thank you.” And he was like “Cool. Keep it up man hahaha.”
