

Golden Pine【思い出の場所その1】


2 years ago at the end of that year, I went to Danan in Vietnam, which is developing district as a resort area in southern east Asia with my friend. When I travel somewhere with this guy, we don’t have any plan to do because we always decide what to do at the place spontaneously. That’d rather be our taste. That way will make us feel more exciting when you encounter someone or place which is mind-bending.

2年前の年末、ベトナムでリゾートエリアとしてめざましく発展しつつあるダナンに友達と旅行に行った。この男とどこかに旅行に行くときには、ほんとに何も決めずにただ旅行券を持って行く。(年末だから今回さすがに宿はとった) そのほうが気楽なのだ。何か思いがけないことや出会いがあったときに、より感動できるから。

At one night, when we were having a dinner at a Japanese restaurant, we met Vietnamese girls and became friends with them. We asked them where was the most interesting place there and then they took us the place they recommended. The place is called Golden Pine, which is a kind of club but open against the street (How can I say?) and cool music was playing loudly and people coming from over the world was dancing and getting high all night.


Partly because I got drunk, but I had never experienced myself getting so high and dancing with everyone. I almost felt like I made friends with everyone in there. That was amazing. We enjoyed so much that we went there 4 days in a row, that was insane though. From that point, I seldom enjoyed ordinary Japanese Club.

酔っていたせいもあるが、僕は経験したことがないくらいハイになり、スパークした。もうそこにいる奴らが全員友達に感じるくらいだった。楽しすぎて、4日連続で通ってしまった(笑) このゴールデンパインを知ってしまってから、日本のクラブで楽しめなくなってしまった。それくらい好きな場所だ。