

Mental training【本の紹介~幸せになるためのいちばんやさしいメンタルトレーニング】

I read a really interesting book recently which is kind of psychological one. It’s about the way of thinking based on ACT(Acceptance and commitment therapy)
There’s a kind of psychological training in it. You can try it within 2 hours or so. It takes time but worthwhile doing. I usually don’t rely on those psychological approaches, I mean I like some of those psychology but I don’t buy into whole.


Anyways, first thing you do is that you imagine the worst situation with someone you didn’t get along with in your life. And then imagine like you would be yourself at that time and try to remember how you felt. The next thing you do is that, imagine you would be that person and try to think of his/her feeling. This is kind of hard to do but you have to try. And then finally, imagine that you would be the third person that is away from that scene like a movie director.


This is very summary version of this training. You have a bunch of small steps approaching the new way of thinking. Eventually what I found is that in this whole process, the existence that thinks of something is absolutely only “me”, which means if you imagine that you would be someone else and try to think of something, it’s totally me.


What I want him at that time to behave is acceptance of my perspective. But on the other hand, the book says that’s the exact thing you might say to yourself as well. I came to think like, I have been thinking like he has a narrow view of things but at the same time, that might be necessary for me.


I might need some space to accept his perspective even though it seems a kind of irrational and hard to do. When I came to think like that, I felt less irritation at him and a bit relieved. This is kind of interesting experience inside me.


How you stay attractive(いつでも女の子をデートに誘えること)

This weekend I went to Osaka and hang out on my own, just window shopping and stuff. And then at this store I was just looking at some bags and this clerk who is a girl talked to me and ask if I need any help. So I just started to talk with this girl.


She came from Fukuoka pretty recently maybe and has been working for a while there. She was really into workout back in Fukuoka, but not now. So she is like so dying to workout at the gym but she can’t find a good one near her place.


As we were talking that kind of conversation I got a kind of vibe but at one point I realized that I was not prepared for hitting her on because my head kind of messed up actually and had like an untidy stubble.


And then I started to think I was afraid of if I had other weird points of my body or the way of talking or whatever. Eventually I felt like I gave up on hitting her on.


It’s not the thing about picking up another girl while you have a girlfriend. It’s not like god, I should have picked her up. My point is that I’ve been really going out only with my fixed date recently. So I’ve been totally relived. I’ve been in a much safer place than like where you try to talk to fine girls and likely be refused.


I should be like I can always talk to a random girl and ask her out a date. I mean, It’s not a betraying your girlfriend but you can keep your cleanness and stay attractive.


I used to talk to random girls like working at a seven-eleven, girls at the bar or clubs and shit. And then I would often go out with all those girls. I cannot be proud of that but at least I could be proud of myself and always be ready for those communication.

以前はコンビニの女の子を誘ったり、クラブやバーなんかでもよく遊んでいた。そうやって出会った女の子たちとよくデートをした。あんまり誇れることではないけど、少なくとも今より自分に自信を持っていたし、異性とのコミュニケーションは常に準備万端だった。Anyways, it can apply to everyone that you have to be just present in front of a girl in daily life and have some conversation. You shouldn’t be in a safe place you can be relax all the time.


The end of year 2018【今更だけど昨年のChillな年末の過ごし方。】

It was OK. At the year’s end, I would always go overseas especially go to places nearby a beach in Southern Asia because these holidays are the only chance to take long days off and I hate being cold in Japan, which makes me feel a bit down really.


So I’d rather prefer hot temperature in there. But last year things had been crazy and I guessed I would need to be preparing for upcoming year stuff.


So I decided to be staying in Japan. Mainly I hung out with my friends coming back to my home town from each place they live and drinking and stuff… I felt time has gone on these holidays. Too chilling at home may be.


Trip to Taiwan【台湾旅行ざっくりまとめ】


I went to Taiwan last week. This is my first time to visit there. Foods are amazing and people are nice. Taiwan had been colonized by Japan once but Japan gave them bunch of things like supply, infrastructures, education and so on.(I don’t condone colonization. I just understand.)But after Japan’s colonizing, China replaced its role and colonized in kind of inhuman way. With that kind of historical background, many Taiwanese hate China but like Japan and are very nice to the Japanese.(They are always complaining about Chinese.)




I went to one of the world’s 3 major museums.



This guy is a guard. He just stands there and don’t move at all for 1 hour. He almost freezes for an hour.

Boys in Taiwan are called up for military service.But they are so cool. 



This tower is so high that the top is over clouds. Buildings are much more huge than Japan.



Foods are my taste. That’s the best foreign dishes I’ve ever had.



We got a foot massage. They are pushing the spots shit out of that. So it hurts a lot



We also went to Kyufun, which became a model of Ghibli anime “Sentoshihiro”.



And of course, I checked out some clubs to see if it’s popping off.



I got a friend named Keith, who has been working in Japan as an ALT. He has experienced a bunch of weird Japanese customs and thoughts. Especially the middle aged guys are good one.

キースという名前のネイティブ友達がいて、この人がめちゃくちゃおもしろい。キースは日本でALT (中学や高校で日本人英語教師のサポートをする仕事)として15年くらい働いていて、今まで経験した日本のヘンな慣習や考え方などをおもしろおかしく話してくれる。特に中年のザ・日本人といったオッサンについての話はおもしろい。

He would have a car his father gave him. It was cool actually. At that time, he used to drive the school. Japanese teachers came to school so early and parked their cars in the parking lot at school. That prevented him to park. From that time on, a battle with one PE guy got started.


He had a favorite space to park in the school, which was easy to go to the office. That PE guy seemed also to like to park that space, so one morning, when he was to park in that space, a ridiculously huge car had parked there! he was like, Damn it! I gotta park in other space.


Next morning, he came to school earlier than previous day and he did it! he successfully parked! But in the next day, when he came to school he found PE guy’s car there !! And he was like Fuck! That guy! I’ve never talked to that muscle bound guy, but the dude definitely came so early this morning not to let me park.


And again in the next day, he came to school much earlier and parked. You can guess what happens the day after? Yes, the guy parked! That’s insane. It was 6:30 A.M. he did not have jobs to do, and so did the guy! But the battle kept going over again from then on, and he found himself standing the space at 6:00 A.M. Too sleepy.

そしてまた次の日の朝、さらに早く学校に来て停めることができた。次の日に何が起こったか、わかるだろう。そう、その体育教師がさらにまた早い時間に停めていたのだ。アホらしすぎる… 時間は6時半だった。特に仕事もないのに。その後戦いは続き、キースは眠い目をこすりながら朝6時にその駐車スペースにいる自分に気づいた。

And the story even goes on. One day, the school principal came to him and was like “Oh, Keith. I know you are a very good teacher. You always come to school so early, which is good hahaha. I have to report your contribution to the board of Education(an agency that evaluates teachers including ALT)”



but he thought, Yo Yo dude, I’m always coming here fuckin’ early not to let that guy park there. Nevertheless, this guy thought of me as a good teacher. Just because you come to the office early, it does not mean a good teacher. But, he was sick to explain the whole thing and just said to him “Thank you.” And he was like “Cool. Keep it up man hahaha.”


My 5 a.m. routine always messes up【5時起きの話】


I'm basically a night person. Recently I am trying to start a new habit which I wake up at 5 a.m. because I want to be more productive and mindful.


I have watched a string of videos people wake up at 5 a.m. and explain how productive it is and motivated it makes you. And I thought, that’s cool! I want to try.


Actually it is not successful at all.  


When 5 a.m. comes and the alarming of my phone is ringing, I am like in despair because I don’t want to wake up at all to be honest and I think waking up at 5 am sucks!! I don’t care of being more productive or mindful. I am dying to fucking sleep. It is always like that. And I wake up again at 7 am. That even more sucks. How should I do?

朝5時がきてスマホのアラームが鳴ると、絶望する(笑) その時の気持ちは正直5時起きなんてくそくらえと思っている。生産性とか充実とかもうどうでもいい。頼むから寝かせてくれってかんじ。いつもそうなってしまう。そして二度寝して7時に起きるのだ。するとさらに気分は悪くなる。あーまたやってしまったと。どうすればいいんだろう?



The other day, there was an incident where a pretty girl aged around 20 stabbed her boyfriend, this guy is a Japanese host in Shinjuku. She almost killed him. I'm not talking about this incident's cruel or crazy part. I'm talking about this incident from different standpoint.


And when the cops arrived the place, he was naked lying on the floor covered with his own a lot of blood and she was sitting there, smoking cigarette with blood of the guy.


This scene became a kind of popular footage among people. People says it’s “Emoi” emotional.


They say she is mentally unstable person and she had loved her boyfriend to death whereas he was not so much because she might be one of his customers at the club.
