

How dare you do such a thing!【元カノの話】

I got this really weird and horrible thing the other day. I had this ex-girlfriend like 8 years ago that we would take seriously each other. But eventually we broke up but we have been good friends. We've been keeping in touch like once a year and catch up our situation.


Sometimes she would have a new boyfriend. Sometimes she was annoyed about her own job or whatever. Sometimes I got an another girlfriend and tell her like what's going on. When I have something I want to talk to her, I can feel free to call her up and talk about it. We are totally good friends.


But the other day she revealed that she has been dating with my friend that I would hang out with for like almost a year. When she said that to me, I was like "What the fuck?!" I was really surprised and shocked with the fact. I do understand that's totally none of my business.


But my ex being a girlfriend of my old close friend sounds like horrible because... I can't explain well. I even don't want to explain. I mean that should be the off-limits right? I am like, really devastated at both of them. I feel gross. Do you understand my feeling?

でも元カノが自分の仲の良かった友達と付き合ってるって、なんかおぞましくない?なんていうかうまく説明できないけど。てゆうか説明したくもないけど。そこは暗黙の了解で立ち入り禁止区域じゃないの? まじでこの2人にはがっかりした。申し訳ないけど気持ち悪くなった。分かるかな~このかんじ。

Something you should know about me is I never get back together with ex. I think like that kind of relationship that once couldn't work will never go well again. so I don't mean to make an excuse for... You know? Is this just that I am not mature to accept that kind of thing? Am I just childish? What do you think?

ひとつわかってほしいことは、僕は何もその元カノに未練があるとかそういうことじゃない。一度ダメになった関係はもっかいやり直してもダメだと思うから。だからなんていうか、何かに対して言い訳したいわけじゃなくて… 自分が幼いだけなのかな。子供っぽいだけ?わからーん!